“I’ve had the pleasure of working with Al Ramos over the last couple of years  in a very close-knit way.

But I’ve known of Al Ramos by reputation for a couple of decades now. He’s someone who has built his reputation on a foundation of trust and  a high degree of competency.

What stood out to me in the time that I’ve been working with him as a coach and mentor over the last couple of years is just how wide and deep Al’s skill sets go.

He’s someone who has over 30 plus years of being a business coach had exposure to so many different industries. He’s had exposure to so many types of problems. The one thing that became very evident to me very quickly is that his skill set are very broad and he’s able to draw on experience and tools that will help almost any situation.

When I started working with Al, I just wanted an external voice to just help me organize myself from a strategy and thinking perspective. However, the things that Al has walked me through, the exercises, the thought processes, the actual tactical strategic things, have actually massively exceeded my expectations.

I can see he has a capacity to work with organizations at a big scale, at a small scale and in between too. It makes him a very versatile business coach, in a world where the words “business coach” are used very flippantly and I think I would have been guilty of being quite dismissive of people who purported to be “business coaches” because generally I have found they often have a very narrow, often theoretical skillset, if at all, and what I love about Al is he’s very plain speaking, he’s very articulate, and his capacity to surgically dissect where the root of a problem is and how to solve it is world class.

So for those businesses and business owners who are either at a point in time where they’re seeking growth, they’re seeking more flow, they’re looking to expand revenue or profitability, or you’re simply looking for a wise bouncing board, I would highly recommend having some time with Al. I think in my 30 plus years as a business owner and chartered accountant, I would say hands down he’s one of the best.”

CEO, Phoenix Wealth Group and Freedom Warrior Wealth


0422 238 435

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